Discover the solution to stop getting triggered so you can start creating the reality you want in love
🤐 Do you feel confident and really good about yourself one moment, but then (something happens)... and all that confidence goes right out the window? e.g. when you find out on Instagram that your SP is seeing someone new or it's been 5 months of no contact and you were hoping to hear from them on your anniversary
🤐 Do you find yourself constantly sabotaging your relationship with over-analyzing every little thing and assuming the worst? "Are they upset with me? What did I do wrong? Do they still want me?"
🤐 Do you keep blowing up your specific person's phone when they aren't responding for a hot minute, to the point where they tell you "you're so controlling" and push you away?
These are all signs it's time to...
You're tired of spending your mental energy spiraling about whether your specific person still wants you or is mad at you
And your thumbs are tired of sending every little thing off for analysis to your bestie...
A triggered emotional reaction pushes your specific person away, whether that's in the dating process or in the relationship
And that is one of the first DON'TS that a high-value woman learns to maintain healthy and committed relationships
In this practical, hands-on hypnosis package, you will take your power back and take control of your mind and get rid of your emotional triggers, so that you never regret sabotaging your own success again
Because the truth is when you know how to handle ANY trigger, that's when you start to see movement in your 3D reality and start manifesting exactly what you want
It's time to make it stop
I totally get it. I've been there... and I'm giving you what I WISH someone had given me back in the days when I was dating
Because I KNOW that underneath all that overthinking, anxiety and self-doubt... is a loving and amazing human who has so much love to give 🥰
The Stop the Spiral Hypnosis Package is here to help you take your power back from those triggers, anxious and intrusive thoughts so you can end the self-sabotage patterns in their tracks.
You will get tools to reprogram your brain to NOT be triggered or emotionally react and sabotage your own success again, so that you can finally create the reality you want in love
Here's what you will get:
💋 Hypnosis audios to easily release subconscious blocks - say goodbye to self-sabotage, self-doubt, anxiety and obsessive thoughts
💋 A unique formula that accelerates trance-induced states to clear unprocessed emotions from the root and leaves you feeling clear, calm and more self aware so you can master your state and take control of your life
Hypnosis is the cheat code
You have heard that in order to change your circumstances and attract your specific person, you have to stop emotionally reacting to what you currently see and keep your thoughts in check.
👉🏼 Here's the thing: if you're still finding yourself worrying and obsessing over your specific person, replaying the past painful memories in your mind, and letting the 3D reality get the best of you mentally and emotionally... This is a clear sign that you're not living in the end of what you want to call in, and your manifestation is nowhere near
Forget about flipping negative thoughts into positive thoughts, saying cute positive affirmations, keeping a mental diet or even trying to just stop feeling triggered
These are all CONSCIOUS processes, but it's your SUBCONSCIOUS mind that stores all your beliefs, fears, emotions and cause you to get triggered and spiral... So we need processes that actually work on changing things on a subconscious level, in order for lasting and impactful changes
Don't just take my word for it...
The program consists of guided hypnosis audios that you listen to at your own pace. You will also get a Stop the Spiral Success Roadmap, which is a weekly plan you can follow for best results.
Hypnosis is the most powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind, unlike other tools like affirmations, subliminal or sleep tapes. By getting our conscious mind into a calm and relaxed state, we are able to bypass the critical faculty of the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind in a way that it understands, where we can make massive changes in a matter of minutes. The subconscious mind governs our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, behaviors and emotions, and therefore, by influencing it we can create massive changes in our lives. With these guided hypnosis audios you can experience this transformative process in the comfort of your own home.
Everybody can be hypnotized. Yes, even you! It doesn't matter if you think that you easily get distracted, your mind is overactive or you think you're too strong-willed. Hypnosis is a natural state of being that feels like a state of deep relaxation. Can you relax? OK - then you can be hypnotized.
Absolutely! As long as you understand basic English, it does not matter that it is not your first language.
Hypnosis can sometimes feel like meditation because both involve a state of relaxation and focused awareness. The intention for both practices is different, and therefore also the outcome. Meditation is a state of relaxation and focus, where the goal is to train the mind to be in the present moment and develop an awareness of self. In hypnosis the mind is still focused but the goal is to bypass the conscious part of your mind so that you can communicate with the unconscious part - to reprogram the subconscious mind and change your self-image (conception of self) through changing your beliefs, stories, feelings and emotions. This will help you think, feel, act and behave in a different way so you can manifest your desired outcome.
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Unlike repeating affirmations and listening to sleep tapes at night, hypnosis is a method to tap into the subconscious mind, in order to help make lasting and impactful changes.
Affirmations are often an ineffective method for reprogramming the subconscious mind because they don't reach the subconscious level due to the critical faculty of the mind. This is like the gatekeeper, that determines what gets through into the subconscious and can thus create that desired change, and what is simply rejected. It determines it based on your current belief system, so if you're repeating affirmations that go against your already existing belief, then it won't get in... see the problem here?
There's not a lot of research done on sleep tapes that would actually prove that they work. They can work if you believe them to work, just like the placebo effect. We have to remember that we can only impress the subconscious through the conscious mind, because the subconscious does *not* understand English or words... The language of the subconscious mind is visuals, imaginary, symbols, and emotions. And so when you're playing those sleep tapes at night while your conscious mind is asleep, then the subconscious cannot be impressed as it doesn't have the translator: the conscious mind.
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