For the woman ready to become unstoppable!
Imagine a life where you don't just survive
- but thrive.
You know exactly how to manifest the life of your dreams - a life where you have it all:
the dream relationship with your specific person, the dream career/business where you make more than enough money, the dream apartment in your wildest dreams neighborhood, the dream body where you can eat whatever and still have people ask you what's your secret!?
A life where you feel confident, in control and radiant.
The woman who has it all, who easily manifests her desires, is in her power. She doesn't need evidence to know that it's working before she shows up. She decides where she is going and paves the path, no matter what circumstances tell her. She navigates her emotions powerfully.
Life responds to you, and it's your job to show up in your power so that you can level up your life!
Through this 3-month program you will take control of your life, master your mind, elevate your self concept and manifest your dreams.
It's time to become the unstoppable version of yourself - the one who gets to have it all. No compromises.
💋 Have a conversation with your specific person that is so good that neither of you picks up the phone for 2+ hours?
💋 Wake up each morning KNOWING that no matter how you feel, you can shift your energy to set yourself up for a successful day?
💋 Fully trust yourself, not needing to seek external validation or be knocked down when experiences happen that make you question your worth?
💋 Get exactly what you want in your dream relationship with your specific person and feel prioritized, important and like the prize?
These beautiful women manifested their dream relationship with their specific person ...even when it looked hopeless
S. felt heartbroken and rejected - she was dealing with a third party situation when she came to me. Her SP was already in a new relationship, living together with this new woman. She was questioning her worth and value, constantly comparing herself with the third party, wondering what that woman had that she did not have. She followed the proven framework and slowly but surely her SP started changing and reflecting her new self concept with a new set of beliefs back to her. He started showing up for her more, calling her more frequently and one thing led to another. Now they're planning to move in together!

G. came to me after her SP had broken up with her, called her controlling and blocked her everywhere. No contact for months, she was anxious and didn't believe she could ever get him back. She didn't want this version of him anyways, because hearing that he didn't want anything serious with her was painful enough. She followed the proven framework - within a couple months got her specific person back as the ideal version of him: that couldn't get enough of her.
The program that will help you go from daydreaming about getting what you want in life and feeling stuck in frustrating cycles to finally living and experiencing it on a daily basis and embodying true "I got this no matter what" confidence in yourself.
When it's time for you to uplevel your life and step into the woman you've always wanted to be, to manifest your dreams, your reality will shake things up to see if you're ready...
Unexpected challenges...
Old patterns...
Limiting beliefs and fears...
Deep emotional experiences...
When life throws you a curveball, do you stay in your power? Or do you shrink back into your comfort zone and let your ego mind tell you all the reasons for why you can't have what you want, thus staying in the same patterns?
When it's time to actually speak up for yourself and ask for what you want in a relationship, do you turn to the old ways of people-pleasing because you're scared of being rejected by the person you love so deeply? And instead end up settling for less than you actually want and accepting breadcrumbs, that leave you feeling resentful and frustrated.
💋 3 Months of Modules and Trainings // to guide you on how to set goals and manifest them, improve yourself as a person, making plans of action for the future in all areas of your life, communicating your needs and prioritizing yourself in a relationship, getting what you actually want in love
💋 Deepening Practices // for between the calls to keep momentum going, to help you self-soothe, move into a secure attachment style
💋 Bi-Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions // led by Paulina, where you get your questions answered and receive personalized guidance
💋 Access to our exclusive community // where you can connect with like-minded women, share your story and receive support
You're ready to call in your fuck yes relationship
But right now...
💋 You're talking to the person you want a relationship with but things are complicated and they're being hot and cold
💋 You're not currently feeling fulfilled in the relationship, and you desire to feel deeply seen, understood and prioritized
💋 He isn't pursuing you anymore, planning dates and moving things forward like he used to - and you cannot help but wonder what happened?
💋 He is emotionally unavailable
💋 You're in a situationship
You're ready to get exactly what you want in your dream relationship with your specific person and feel prioritized, important and like the prize.
Your relationship transformation requires you to rewire the subconscious mind...
Your subconscious mind holds onto beliefs about yourself and your comfort zone in a relationship, and it's seeking to create a relationship for you that matches its current programs.
This is why those affirmations and countless amounts of books and YouTube videos haven't quite led to the relationship you know is meant for you.
When you don't address and shift the deep subconscious programs that run on autopilot, they can manifest as self-sabotage behavior, emotional triggers and barriers to a fulfilling relationship of intimacy and connection.